
A selection of my work

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  • The Diva
    • 02/03/2022

    The Diva

    This video shows an MRI scan of an opera singer and a beatbox singer. The difference in how the two voices work is fascinating.

  • Vocal Cords
    • 02/03/2022

    Vocal Cords

    This Video shows us how the vocal folds of four singers two male and two female work. If you look carefully you will notice that the male vocal folds are longer than the female’s vocal folds and you will also notice that as the singers sing in their upper range the vocal folds get longer and as they sing in their lower range they get shorter.

  • Diaphragm
    • 02/03/2022


    We use our diaphragm when we sing and this video gives a detailed explanation of what happens to our diaphragms when we inhale and exhale. However you cannot FEEL the diaphragm when you sing, rather the sensation you get is your organs being pushed to one side as you breath into the lower abdomen.

  • Vocal Tract
    • 02/03/2022

    Vocal Tract

    This Video explains in detail how the vocal tract works.

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Appearance on TV

Performance kjasna faflasf